144 TrailBlazer Fund

The 144 TrailBlazer Fund "TrailBlazer Fund" is a global impact fund deploying capital to emerging technology firms (Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain Applications, Cybersecurity, Big Data and SaaS. The fund's mandate is to invest in firms that are cash flow positive, robust balance sheet management and transparent governance within growth to Series A and Series B.

Founded on Wall Street in New York City in 2018 by veterans across blockchain and traditional finance industries, the Fund and Jeanensis Ventures has advised and supported over 30 emerging technology firms (BIPOC and Non-BIPOC) in digitally transforming industries such as Artificial Intelligence, AgriTech, Blockchain Applications, EduTech, FinTech, MedTech and SAAS.

Our Motto to Founders and Investors: "Manage Capital, Seek Liquidity, Money is Just Financial Energy"


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Our Motto to Founders and Investors: "Manage Capital, Seek Liquidity, Money is Just Financial Energy"

New York, NY 10005, USA


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